Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I'm Back

My last blog entry was on April 18, 2009 and now its January 5th 2010 I don't like to consider these long breaks in my blog entries as a hiatus, blogger's block or a sabbatical but I would like to imagine that I just retired on April 18th and this is my comeback. I don't want it to be a Brett Favre retirement thing where its annoying but more like how rappers retire in between albums.

I think this blog entry is going to be a little different than previous entries. I think I got off track and just tried to make them funny and entertaining for people to read. I really started the blog entry first to argue with Steve about sports but more importantly to express my thoughts. I think this blog entry is going to be kind of a downer so I apologize for that.

I do have a few things that I would like to get off my chest. I don't like the holidays. I do like the holidays. I like eating turkey on Thanksgiving, giving and receiving presents on Christmas and having BBQs on the 4th of July. But its all the extra stuff about holidays I can't stand. I know I am a Grinch. I think a lot of it has to deal with the fact that my parents are divorced so growing up every single holiday of any sort was a tug-o-war between which parent I spent the holiday with. It was terrible. No matter what one parent was going to be upset and it truly is one of the worst parts of being a split family is that you can't spend the holidays with both parents. I guess I shouldn't complained about it. My problem growing up was that both my parents wanted me around and I know that there are kids out there who have parents that don't want them around so that is even worse. I thought that once I was married it would all stop but I was wrong. It's still that way which kind of sucks but I am getting to the point where eventually its just going to be my wife and I at home for the holidays and if my parents want to stop by that will be great. This last Christmas was full of unnecessary drama and tension. Tempers flew and things escalated and got out of hand and bridges were burned. I don't want my blog to be a place where I point fingers and place blame on individuals so I am not even going to get into the horrible mess that happened on Christmas as a result of a lot of immaturity on every side(including yours truly)

People will tell you that I am pretty relaxed laid back kind of guy that I really don't let things get to me. I try not to overreact to things. I very much live out of the moment. When bad things happen I like to wait until I am out of wake and let things settle and then asses what has happened and then just deal with it. I want to give a small scale example of how I handle things. A while back Sheena dropped her cell phone in a puddle and the water got in and the cell phone wouldn't work. Sheenas was freaking out and was all stressed about having to buy a new cell phone, I think we were pretty broke at the time and even with insurance to get a replacement is $50 bucks and $50 bucks is $50 bucks. I think Sheena was a little upset that I wasn't upset. I tried to tell her that we will take the cell phone apart try to dry it out and if it doesn't work in the morning then we will deal with the stressful situation of getting the cell phone replaced. I refused to be stressed out about the situation until the results were final and I knew exactly what was going on. Lucky for us the cell phone worked out just fine and there was no need to be stressed out. I try to always take that approach to remain calm and to assess the situation in its totality.

No matter what the crisis is I need to calm down and let the crisis play itself out and once all the smoke has cleared I can assess the damage and then react. I think a lot of times we are so fast to react the minute something bad happens that we often make things worse. Whether we misdiagnose a brain tumor altering some ones life forever or we emotionally react to situation by having a stressful night because we are worried about paying $50 bucks to get cell phone replaced. Our mental capacity or lack of mental capacity is going to determine how that situation is going to play out. Now obviously you stub your toe your toe is going to hurt but then I suppose it how we handle that pain.


Hal said...

Sad. Happy new year!

stephani said...

Trav, I wish you would blog more. I always like to read your posts. I didn't know about your stepdad..that is scary! I am glad it was a mistake. What a relief for your family! HOpe you guys are doing good..are you going to be at Robs wedding?

Cindy Lewis said...
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