No big events have happened recently school has started back up again but who really cares about that. I am taking one class its an English 102 class its boring its lame and its 2 1/2 hours long on Wednesday night. I was taking two institute classes. The first one was a Book of Mormon class but the teacher made me feel like I was in seminary again and I hated it. I hate the whole institute treatment. I want a teacher on the first day to come in sit down and say "Hi I am Brother so and so I really don't care what your name is right now and I especially don't care what barn animal you are most like or what your favorite flavor of icecream is let's open up all scriptures and learn about some cool stuff."
I know that institute is for social interaction and its a program that is set up to get young hormonal single mormons married so they dont do the dirty before they tie the knot. I get all that, but isn't that why we have Food n Forums and Institute activities? I don't know I just hate it all. I mean I wasn't learning anything from my teacher I left with that warm bubbly feeling but I could get that by just reading "Chicken Noodle Soup for the Soul"
Since I am on this whole spill about what bugs me about the church I want to talk about my recent visit to BYU-Idaho or as like to refer to it as "Ricks College"
So I was on a double-date with my cousin Steve. He was on a date with this girl from Rexburg who attended BYU and we went go-karting and out to dinner and then we returned to her apartment to watch The Office and while I was at this girl's apartment in Rexburg WITH MY WIFE it was getting kind of late and I had drank a lot of Coke at The Outback (I know this girl already thought I was going to hell for chuggin 4 glasses of Coca-Cola) and I had to go to the bathroom. So I jumped up off the couch and I inquired where the bathroom was and she told me I couldn't use her bathroom because I would and I am not kidding I would cross "the chasity line" You see there was a door that lead to all the bedrooms and apparently the bathroom and guys were not allowed to go past this "chasity line" it was a rule at the dorm.
At first I thought it was just one of those rules that was there and nobody really followed. I mean if you gotta go you gotta go. I headed to the door and I got some pretty serious stern looks from this girl that I can't go in the door. I asked if she was serious and she was dead serious! She really would not let me go to the bathroom because of would of broke some imaginary line in her apartment.
I reluctantly did not use the bathroom I mean I have only been married 2 months and I would never even think of cheating on Sheena with a toilet for heaven's sake. I love her too much to do that. I made covenants in the temple to obey the law of chasity and no tinkle was worth doing that.
I mean come on what a stupid idiotic rule. What if two horny mormon college kids finally got the nerve to go for it and have sex and they bust into their apartment and start heading towards the bedroom approach that "chasity line" and what do you expect them to do? Have a moment of clarity and go "Oh yeah...that gosh-darn chasity line I forgot about that...well shucky-darn lets just put our pants back on and go to FHE it's my turn to bring refreshments." Of course not if they wanted to they would fornicate right on the friggin chasity line. So really the only thing the chasity line is doing is preventing people who need to go to the bathroom from going to the bathroom.
Which brings me to my point:
I wrote a blog on myspace that is very similair to this infact I am going to directly cut and paste it from my myspace blog and then add in a few new thoughts so lets consider it the
There seems to be a big misconception in this town and maybe it is spreading worldwide and I feel the need to clear it up. There are two dominant churches in this town and that is the Mormons and the Latter-Day Saints. To the untrained ignorant eye they are perceived as the same but that eye couldn't be more blind. We may go to the same building and church and even listen to the same doctrine each Sunday but how we interpet that doctrine is were we differ.
Mormons believe that drinking Coke is against the Word of Wisdom because of the caffiene in it. The World of Wisdom teaches we should not put anything into our body that is unhealthy and YES Coke is unhealthy because of the caffience but also because the cups of sugar and corn syrup Rootbeer and Sprite is just as unhealthy for us as Coke and Mountain Dew. What about the homemade rootbeer and peach cobbler we have at every Stake Campout I have been on and we will glady stuff our faces with krispy kreme doughnuts and hot buttery scones until we die of obiesity.
They set mandatory curfews on college campus because the devil rules the night and that they should only be friends with and associate with other Mormons. Unless you have a chasity line in your dorm then it is not approved living for young men and women. The Mormons will follow the teaching of their Bishop over the teaching of Christ. They only go to church to socialize and to perform their callings so they may receive the recognition of the other members. More than likely the only other time they follow their religion is when other Mormons are around. They really have no real conviction or faith since it is based on social acceptance in their Mormom community or at Church. They really only follow their "religion" when they are at Church or around other Mormons.
The Mormons are the reasons Latter-Day Saints are persecuted on a daily basis. This is a false and hypocritical church. I am very glad to say that I am not a Mormon. I am a Latter-Day Saint. While I will be the first of many to admit that I struggle every day in following the teaching of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints I do however worship God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ and only them. I follow the teaching of God and his Prophets. Do I care if you are not a Latter-day Saint? Not one bit. I love my faith and respect and at the same time respect other people's beliefs and if one of their beliefs is that my religion is incorrect then I will respect that.
p.s. Can somebody please tell me why Chili's has discontinued the Awesome Blossom. That's the only reason I even went to that restuarant.
travis u make some good points i will admit to that but i will admit i laugh when i read this and u can not have all good and bad. i go to rexburg i will admit here some dumb rules there but there alot of good things there as well
These "Mormon vs Latter Day Saints" thoughts are my favorite. Seems like you are supporting the division by embracing it so well! People are always pointing out how cliquish the Mormons AND Latter Day Saints are... I really love it when one group calls the other one out on it.. To me it's like, umm, the pot calling the kettle black? You're not sad about the division, you don't ask for unity. You just bash one group and further distance yourself from the other. I think Satan will be pleased. Classic.
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